Friday, August 12, 2016

Float Along

Float along the waves.
Beneath you is the ocean of grace
Trust that you'll get to the shore
of the land you will most adore.

Be amazed, be amazed!
Upon the expanse of the sky, hold your gaze.
See through the clouds and pray
to the God who won't lead you astray.

And if the water breaks its stillness,
and the sky becomes a vast darkness,
Just float along, float along!
You'll come to the shore faster and strong!

Oh, float along the waves,
you are on the ocean of His love and grace,
Trust that He will bring you to the shore
of the land where there is something more.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

When nothing makes sense, God does.

You wake up to an arid day.

The sunrays are dull, the billowing clouds move slowly, and your sister lies feebly beside you 
with her limbs spread out on the bed.

You wonder why today, everything is meaningless. The tasks you once perceived productive are pointless. You want to be nice and loving, but every person just leaves you in a fit of pique. Not their fault. You know you can't blame anyone save yourself.

You feel empty today. And it's a surprise that you are. Actually, everything's perfect this time but instead of seeing yourself on cloud nine, you're walking in a scorched land with no water to drink, wishing you will come to the end of the desert sooner.

It's okay. I tell you, it's okay that you're feeling this way. Probably, this is God's way of reminding you that there's something more, of redirecting you as the world blurs your way to ever after, and of telling you that He exists - that He wants to be sought after. By you.

Today, God whispers to you through the gentle wind, in the rustle of leaves, or through the soft chirps of birds. He teaches you how to see Him in the ordinary days, or in your worst - when nothing seems to be happening. It is today that He prefers to work quietly and imperceptibly, lovingly molding you in His hands. 

Today, you feel empty, but live anyway.


When nothing makes sense, God does.