Sunday, October 25, 2015

In God's Perfect Time

Should I wait for green leaves to dry,
or for many storms to stop pelting down?
Then I will.

Should I wait for the orange-drenched sky,
or for a gold to lose its luster?
Then I will.

Should I wait for my bones to go a bit brittle,
or for my falling hair to grow thick as a roll of yarn?
Then I will.

Should I wait until the soles of my shoes go thin,
or 'til my nails grow long and be cut for the nth time?
Then I will.

If this is what it takes for God to align the stars
and get me a ride on the moon prepared,
then I will wait.

I will, as long as I behold that sunshine in my mind,
that morning when I would finally wake up
and breathe in the air I am waiting for.

I will, as long as I hold dear the fact
 that after a seemingly endless wait,
in God's perfect time,
what'll be in my arms 
will be perpetually worthwhile.

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