Wednesday, September 27, 2017

God's Surprises

One day you wake up and your arid days are over. 
You smile at the sun, you eat well, and you bounce when you walk.
You're all too happy that you can't find words for it or for anything.
It feels like life's wheel just turned, and you're on top.
And there, in that transition, you realize what can really make you happy.

You get to know that you're not the type who gets ecstatic with promotion or any career success,
that you're not proud of being known by quite a multitude of people,
that compliments no longer get into your head.

There, you get to see what's empty and what's not.
You define what it really means to be on top.
You rename dreams, find new goals, and envision a new life.

Things suddenly become surprising as if spotting a huge shell on the shore,
or suddenly feeling cool with the May air,
or taking hold of a book you thought you wouldn't find in the Philippines' bookstore.

And what's more surprising is, whatever made that has always been within your grasp.

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